Liposuction is a popular cosmetic procedure that can redefine the shape and contours of people’s bodies. The surgery can be performed on multiple regions of the body and can range from minor to major in scope, depending on how much fat is being extracted.
Regardless of the severity of the procedure, preparations need to be made leading up to it. It is vital that patients prepare themselves both physically and mentally prior to the procedure.
Additionally, preparing the home for after the procedure will ensure that the recovery process is as easy and smooth as possible. Taking these measures can help the patient stay relaxed in the days leading up to the surgery, as they have created a comfortable environment to come home to.
Here are a few things to take note of when it comes to preparing for liposuction.
Meet with the physician
Before the procedure, patients will have to meet with their physician to discuss any and all information that is relevant to the procedure, such as test results or history of illness. This is the best time for patients to ask questions, as they will still have time to get things in order.
Beyond that, the physician may want the patient to use a special antibacterial soap prior to the surgery in order to cleanse the skin of bacteria, which can drastically reduce the risk of infection.
Getting the body prepared
As with any surgical procedure, it is important to get the body prepared before undergoing treatment. While liposuction is often viewed as merely a form of weight loss, the effects can be ruined if the patient doesn’t have a good understanding of their goal weight. Being at or near the target prior to the operation is important because weight fluctuations that happen later can negatively affect the results.
Maintaining a healthy diet and getting regular exercise are simple and effective ways to keep in shape. Being fit also makes the recovery process easier.
Beyond that, patients have to stop smoking for at least a few months leading up to the procedure. It is well known that smoking lowers the body’s oxygen levels and hinders its ability to heal properly after surgery. Many practitioners suggest quitting smoking altogether so that the body can heal successfully.
Medications are another area of concern. Some patients may need to discontinue or reduce a certain medication, depending on their doctor’s instructions. Informing the physician of all medications and supplements that are currently being taken will allow them to determine what adjustments need to be made to ensure a safe procedure that is free of complications.
Preparing the home
As liposuction requires a good amount of recovery, it is a good idea to make sure that the house is prepared beforehand. Stocking up on important items such as gauze, pain medications, lotions, and ice packs can prevent potential issues down the line.
If possible, patients should refrain from walking up or down stairs, as the body needs to rest as much as possible. Patients should listen to their bodies, as they will intuitively know when they are ready to start getting more active. Setting up an area in the house that has essentials nearby (water, food, remote control, books, etc) is the best way to ensure that the patient won’t have to stand up and walk around too much.
The Day of Surgery
Considering that patients will not be able to wash their hair right away, it is recommended that patients wash it thoroughly the day before the procedure. Wearing comfortable clothing is also highly recommended, as it will be easier to take off when needed. Any and all nail polish should be removed prior to the procedure, as the fingers will be used to determine the patient’s oxygen levels while they are under anesthesia.
Lastly, patients must have someone available to drive them home, as the doctor is not allowed to let a patient under anesthesia get behind the wheel of a car.
What is the takeaway?
Liposuction is a serious procedure that requires a lot of forethought and planning. Taking the proper precautions and preparatory measures will ensure that patients have a comfortable healing process and satisfactory results. As with any surgical procedure, it is recommended that patients refer to a skilled and experienced practitioner to carry out their treatment.