Tummy Tuck
Charlotte, NC

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Embarking on Your Tummy Tuck Journey

If you struggle with loose skin and a little extra weight around your belly, despite eating right and exercising, you’re in good company. From mothers who long to regain their pre-pregnancy figures to people who undergo dramatic weight fluctuations, the tummy is a common and persistent “problem spot” for many. Luckily, expert surgeons Dr. Bryan Criswell and Dr. Kara Criswell can help you smooth and trim your midsection with a tummy tuck in Charlotte, NC.

What is a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck, also called abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure performed to create a slimmer and more toned abdomen. The surgery typically involves removing excess skin and fat from the midsection, and it can also include tightening the muscles of the abdominal wall. Tummy tucks are frequently performed on individuals who would like to restore their previous figure after pregnancy, weight fluctuations, or the natural effects of aging.

Tummy Tuck Before & Afters

Tummy Tuck Charlotte, NC
Tummy Tuck Charlotte, NC

Who is a Candidate for a Tummy Tuck in Charlotte?

A tummy tuck may be a good treatment option for women after childbirth, men and women who have lost significant amounts of weight, and individuals who have developed a protruding abdomen that appeared through aging. You may be a good candidate for this procedure tuck if you:

  • Have loose, excess skin around abdomen
  • Have weak, stretched, or separated abdominal muscles
  • Are in good general health
  • Are not planning to become pregnant
  • Have reached a weight within 15 to 20 pounds of your ideal weight
  • Are not planning to lose more weight
Woman with brown hair looking over her shoulder

When is a Tummy Tuck Needed?

Many people work hard to achieve a flat, toned belly with diet and exercise, but their efforts are not always successful. Even women and men with a normal body weight may have a loose, sagging abdomen, or an unattractive protruding belly. This is a common problem that can be caused by:

  • Significant weight fluctuations
  • Pregnancy
  • Aging
  • Heredity
  • Prior surgeries

Stubborn fat deposits in the abdomen may not respond to your best efforts with exercise and diet. Pregnancy can stretch the skin beyond the point of return and cause weakened or separated abdominal muscles. When the problem cannot be corrected by eating well and working out, a tummy tuck in Charlotte may be the best treatment option to restore a fit, trim appearance to the abdominal area.

What are the Benefits of a Tummy Tuck?

If you’d like to achieve a tighter, more defined midsection, a tummy tuck can potentially provide you with some or all of the following benefits:

  • Slimmer, more toned abdomen
  • Removes unsightly excess skin and fat
  • Tightens abdominal muscles that have become weakened or separated
  • Reduces the risk of certain medical conditions
  • Improved control over bodily functions
  • Increased self-esteem
  • Increased wardrobe options
  • Strengthens the core
  • Improved athletic performance and mobility
woman getting dressed and holding up a dress

Tummy Tuck Consultation

Before tummy tuck surgery at Criswell & Criswell Plastic Surgery in Charlotte, you will meet with one of our respected North Carolina plastic surgeons for a consultation. The doctor will discuss:

  • Your treatment goals
  • Any previous surgeries
  • Current medications, vitamins and herbal supplements
  • Drug allergies, medical conditions and treatments
  • Drug use

It is important to be completely candid during your consultation. Your surgeon will evaluate your general health and risk factors, take “before” photographs, discuss your options, and recommend the most appropriate treatment.

What is the Tummy Tuck Procedure

Also known as abdominoplasty, our tummy tuck in Charlotte is performed to remove excess skin and fat from the belly and, in many cases, to restore separated or weakened abdominal muscles to create a firmer, smoother profile. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation.

For a full tummy tuck procedure, a horizontally oriented incision is made low enough to be hidden by bathing suits and underwear in most cases. The amount of excess skin and tissue will determine the length and shape of the incision. Our surgeon will place the incision as discreetly as possible.

The skin on the abdomen is lifted and weakened muscles underneath are repaired. If there is excess skin, fat and tissue in the upper abdomen, a second incision may be needed around the navel to correct the problem.

After the muscles are repaired, the abdominal skin is pulled down and the excess skin is trimmed. The skin is then sutured together. The surgeon will create a new opening for the belly button, pop it through to the surface, and suture it into position. Finally, the incision is closed with sutures, skin adhesives, clips, or tapes.

Why Choose Criswell & Criswell for Your Tummy Tuck in Charlotte?

To achieve optimal results and have the best possible experience, you need to have your tummy tuck performed by a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon. At Criswell & Criswell, you’ll be under the care of Dr. Bryan Criswell or Dr. Kara Criswell, both of whom are talented and respected plastic surgeons in Charlotte, NC known for their attention to detail, artistic vision, and warm bedside manner.

Tummy Tuck FAQs

How much downtime is involved with a tummy tuck in charlotte?

Our Charlotte tummy tuck procedure is surgical, so yes, there is downtime. Keep in mind that every patient is unique, and if you elect to have other procedures performed along with your Charlotte abdominoplasty procedure, there may be a different downtime. Typically, patients are able to return to normal activities within two weeks.

Will I have a scar after tummy tuck?

Yes, but it will be strategically placed so that it can be easily hidden behind the line of your pants or underwear. The tummy tuck procedure can easily be combined with many surgical procedures, including liposuction, breast augmentation, or vaginal rejuvenation.

How Long Will My Results Last After Tummy Tuck?

Results can be maintained for patients who continue a healthy lifestyle. Significant weight gain can negate the effects of the tummy tuck procedure. Likewise, so can pregnancy; for this reason, we recommend patients who plan to get pregnant wait to pursue this procedure.

When can I see my tummy tuck results?

Some results can be immediate; however, it can take a few months to see optimal results as your body adjusts to its new contours. Contact us today for arguably the best tummy tuck Charlotte, NC has to offer.

How Long Does Tummy Tuck Surgery Take?

Depending on the extent of the procedure, abdominoplasty can take anywhere from one to five hours to perform. You will need to recover from anesthesia at our state-of-the-art surgical facility in Charlotte, NC, after which you must have a friend or family member drive you home.

Can a tummy tuck get rid of love handles?

Love handles are composed of excess fat that has accumulated in the waist. These localized fat deposits can be stubbornly resistant to exercise and diet, and many women and men are looking for effective ways to remove them. However, this procedure is not specifically designed to remove deposits of stubborn fat in the waist or hips. To accomplish this, we recommend liposuction performed in combination with tummy tuck surgery.

Is a tummy tuck painful?

s abdominoplasty in Charlotte, NC is performed under general anesthesia, patients do not feel pain during procedure. When you wake up from the anesthesia, you can expect pain, swelling, and bruising in the abdominal area, which will subside over time. Medications will be prescribed to control post-surgical pain and discomfort.

To help reduce swelling and bruising after tummy tuck surgery:

  • Drink plenty of water
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet
  • Limit sodium intake
  • Walk every day to increase circulation and promote healing

What are the risks of a tummy tuck?

Like any surgical procedure, a tummy tuck comes with certain risks. The most common risks of the surgery include:

  • Scarring
  • Fluid accumulation beneath the skin (seroma)
  • Wound healing issues
  • Infection
  • Hematoma
  • Numbness
  • Unsatisfactory results


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