You’ve decided to have a breast lift to address your breasts and achieve a perky, firm breast contour. And now that you’ve made this decision, knowing how to make the results last for as long as possible is important. Patients are usually able to enjoy their breast lift results for about 10-15 years. The results last much longer for some women.
How can you extend this time and enjoy your lifted, shapely and youthful breasts longer? Here are some tips to maintain your investment into your breasts, and to avoid having another breast lift for many years.
Plan the timing
Timing is important when it comes to getting the longest-lasting breast lift. There are certain factors to think with–family planning being the biggest one.
Pregnancy and/or breastfeeding can be a major cause of drooping breasts. Before you get your breast lift, be sure you’re done having children. If you haven’t had all the babies you want to have, it’s best to wait. Another pregnancy after a breast lift can undo some of the results, so in order to have the longest-lasting effect possible, get your breast lift after you’re satisfied that your family is complete.
Maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine
An important part of maintaining your breast lift results is diet and exercise. Be sure to avoid significant weight fluctuations. Weight gain and loss can cause the skin to stretch and the breasts to sag. Wait to have your breast lift until you’re at the weight you want to be, and you are comfortably maintaining it. To get the most from your breast lift, you’ll want to stay at the same weight once it’s complete.
To maintain a steady weight after surgery, stick with an active exercise plan and a healthy diet. Another advantage of healthy eating is that it strengthens your skin. Your skin is more healthy, resilient and elastic when you are eating enough proteins, complex carbohydrates, fruits and veggies.
Wear a proper bra
Without a proper bra your breasts bounce, especially during exercise, and this strains your skin and the connective tissue that attaches your breasts to your chest. Wear a proper bra that fits correctly and provides the needed support. You can have your bras fitted to you to ensure they are the perfect fit. This extra care in getting the right bra is well worth it when it comes to ensuring that your skin and ligaments don’t get stretched out and cause your breasts to sag.
Maintaining your results
At Criswell and Criswell, we want to do everything we can to ensure your beautiful breast lift results are not only outstanding, but last for as long as possible. Get the full, lasting benefit from your procedure by following these simple points. We look forward to helping you achieve perkier, firmer and more shapely breasts that will last for years to come.