Sagging breasts is a condition that can affect women of all ages and breast types. While breast sagging is often associated with older patients, the truth is that younger women often develop it as well. Factors such as weight fluctuations or physical changes that have resulted from pregnancy and breastfeeding can contribute to breast sagging.
In addition to these contributing factors, hormonal changes and gravity will also lead to increased breast sagging, making patients feel less than ideal about their appearance. Thankfully, there are several treatment methods available that can help patients restore their breasts to a perkier, more youthful position.
Breast Lift
A breast lift procedure is designed to redefine the shape of the breasts while restoring lost volume, removing excess skin, and tightening breast tissue. There are various breast lift techniques available today that each vary in terms of how much tissue is extracted.
- A traditional breast lift procedure is designed to address severe breast sagging. This technique involves multiple incisions and extracts larger amounts of skin and tissue.
- A circumareolar breast lift technique involves making an incision at the border of the nipple. This method is often recommended for patients who are only dealing with a minor level of sagging, as the results are more subtle.
- A vertical breast lift is considered to be ideal for patients who are dealing with a moderate amount of breast sagging. With a vertical breast lift, an incision is made around the areola and then down from the lower part of the nipple to the edge of the breast mound.
Breast Lift with Implants
While sagging is an issue all on its own, many of these patients also feel that their breasts are lacking in volume. As such, performing a breast lift with implants is the best way to treat the issue. Once the breasts have been lifted to the desired position, implants can be inserted to achieve the desired shape and size.
Breast implants come in either saline or silicone. The main specification that has to be determined is whether the implants will be placed above or below the chest wall. Consulting with an experienced plastic surgeon can help patients make the best decisions for themselves.
Breast Fat Transfer
Patients who would like to see an increase in the size of their busts but still aren’t sure about surgery can rely on fat grafts to get them there. Fat grafts (or fat transfers) are a natural enhancement method that works by extracting fat in one area of the patient’s body and injecting it into another. As the substance being injected is the patient’s own fat, there is little risk of rejection from the body.
This natural technique can increase a patient’s breast size by as much as one cup. Patients with more pronounced breast sagging may need to combine a fat transfer with a lift to achieve their desired look.
What is the Takeaway?
When it comes to breast sagging, there are various protocols available for women to address it. Breast lifts, whether performed alone or with implants, and breast fat transfer procedures can reverse sagging and create a more aesthetically pleasing bust. As every patient has their own unique needs, treatment protocols will be different for everyone. In order to understand which approach is best for you, it is recommended that you refer to an experienced practitioner before going forward.