Abdominoplasty, otherwise known as a tummy tuck, is a procedure primarily intended to remove and tighten excess skin around the mid-section. It does not prevent weight gain, but it can prevent fat deposits in the area where the abdominoplasty is performed.
The procedure is primarily intended to remove and tighten excess skin around the mid-section. It does not prevent weight gain, but it can prevent preferential fat deposits in the area where the abdominoplasty is performed.
If a patient plans to lose a small amount of weight then it is reasonable to proceed with abdominoplasty before the weight loss. It is important to maintain weight and reasonable fitness after an abdominoplasty in order to maintain the results.
To learn more about the benefits and what to prepare for when undergoing a tummy tuck, contact our Charlotte office today to set up a consultation with Drs. Bryan and Kara Criswell.