Laser tightening with state-of-the-art technology offers a wonderful complement to a complete skincare treatment plan. It can help with the continuous maintenance of healthy skin from head to toe and can treat unsightly wrinkles, skin discolorations and even unwanted hair. Laser tightening is a great way for patients to achieve a youthful appearance with little discomfort and no downtime.
At Criswell & Criswell Plastic Surgery, our highly trained board-certified plastic surgeons offer patients the latest in laser technology in a comfortable environment.
Laser technology works by stimulating collagen development and producing a tightening and firming effect on treated skin. This effect can also reduce wrinkles while making the skin smoother. Skin-tightening treatments generally require 45 minutes to an hour to complete. Afterwards, patients can return to their regular activities.
To learn more about laser tightening, contact us to set up a consultation at our Charlotte office.