One procedure that’s gaining a lot of steam in the cosmetic industry is the Brazilian butt lift. This procedure is known to offer dramatic and comprehensive results in terms of redefining the body’s contours. A great way to learn more about this procedure is to set up a fat-grafting consultation at our Charlotte office.
A fat-grafting consultation provides our Drs. Bryan and Kara Criswell with an opportunity to assess your contours and listen to your goals. Once an appointment is made for the Brazilian butt lift consultation, you will receive an email and welcome letter from our office. Follow the steps to fill out your basic patient information.
After the paperwork and medical history review portion of the consultation is complete, your plastic surgeon will examine you and get a detailed understanding of your goals. From there, photos will be taken, and you can receive the surgical plan and financial quote.
If you would then like to proceed with a Brazilian butt lift, a surgery date is set and the process to a better body begins.
To set up a fat-grafting consultation appointment, contact our office today.