Do you want soft, angel-like skin well into your later years? With Halo™ laser treatments in Charlotte, now you can! This breakthrough treatment resurfaces your skin for a more balanced, blemish-free complexion all in an hour. Celebrities like Scarlet Johansson, Beyonće, and Kim Kardashian have said that they use Halo treatments to prepare for awards season and rave about their results—but how does it work?
StyleCaster contributor Erika Stalder recently caught up with plastic surgeon and director of the University of Southern California Division of Aesthetic Surgery, Dr. Grant Stevens, to talk about his experiences with Halo. He explains that Halo is different than other laser treatments because it is the first laser that uses both ablative and non-ablative technology. This means that you can resurface much more of the skin than with a less powerful laser treatment, and with significantly less recovery time. Dr. Stevens loves the benefits of Halo treatments so much that he even gets them himself!
“I had Halo done on me a week ago,” he says in the article. “I’m a surfer and had brown spots and sun damage—and it’s all gone.”
Halo treatments typically require only a few days of downtime and you can see results after only a single treatment. However, for the longest lasting results we recommend undergoing a series of treatments over the course of a few months.
The stars have discovered the incredible benefits of Halo treatments, and now you can too! Call 704.424.5050 today to schedule a consultation and learn more!